
What we can offer

The Sunshine Coast Skindivers club has recently gone through a major restructure and are now focusing on providing tangible benefits for our sponsors. There is a new, dedicated social media committee member who is posting approximately 2-4 times/week, depending on available content or upcoming events, to increase the club’s reach across these platforms.

Interested in sponsoring SCS?

The Sunshine Coast Skindivers is the largest, single sport (spearfishing) club, currently associated with the Australian Underwater Federation, with over 100 members since reformation in 2020.

  • Facebook club page:
    Currently 972 followers
  • Facebook community group and associated chat:
    Currently 257 members
  • Facebook private club member chat
    Currently over 100 financial members of the club
  • Instagram:
    Currently 502 followers
  • Bi-monthly newsletter (6 per season)
    Sponsors specials or advertisement (dependent on sponsorship tier)
    Sent to over 100 members
  • Club website

Sponsorship tiers

All sponsorships will be given one initial advertising opportunity on all platforms, including a welcome article in the newsletter, thanking them for coming onboard to support the growth of the club and its members. All sponsors’ logos will be added to the bottom of each newsletter and on the sponsorship page of the website (in tier order) but additional promotion, such as upcoming specials and whole page marketing, will be dependent on the support tier, as outlined below. All additional marketing campaigns will be added in tier order and will be after the main content of the newsletter.

All companies that participate in club sponsorship will need to have a registered ABN and will be asked to provide an invoice to the club, with donated equipment or contribution. Sponsors will also be asked to provide a logo for advertising material.


  • Minimum $100 donation in the form of equipment or payment
  • Initial welcome promotion on all platforms, including the club newsletter
  • Logo on the bottom of each club newsletter – bottom rows of logo images
  • One additional advertisement or promotion on public and club platforms per $200 donation value.
    eg. $100 contribution:
    Initial welcome promotion on all platforms
    $200 contribution:
    Initial welcome promotion on all platforms
    One additional promotion of the business at the time of the companies choosing on all platforms, including one full-page advertisement in the newsletter. This may be a standard promotion of the business, or may promote an upcoming sale etc. The promotion will be made at the same time across all platforms.


  • Minimum $300 donation in the form of equipment or payment
  • Initial welcome promotion on all platforms, including the club newsletter
  • Logo on the bottom of each club newsletter – middle rows of logo images
  • One additional advertisement or promotion on public and club platforms per $200 donation value.
    eg. $300 contribution:
    Initial welcome promotion on all platforms
    Two additional promotions of the business at the time of the companies choosing on all platforms, including two full-page advertisement in the newsletter. This may be a standard promotion of the business, or may promote an upcoming sale etc. The promotion will be made at the same time across all platforms.
    $500 contribution:
    Initial welcome promotion on all platforms
    Three additional promotions of the business at the time of the companies choosing on all platforms, including two full-page advertisement in the newsletter. This may be a standard promotion of the business, or may promote an upcoming sale etc. The promotion will be made at the same time across all platforms.


  • Minimum $600 donation in the form of equipment or payment
  • Initial welcome promotion on all platforms, including the club newsletter
  • Logo on the bottom of each club newsletter – top rows of logo images
  • Logo on the back of that season’s club t-shirt
  • One additional advertisement or promotion on public and club platforms per $200 donation value.
    eg. $600 contribution:
    Initial welcome promotion on all platforms
    Four additional promotions of the business at the time of the companies choosing on all platforms, including four full-page advertisement in the newsletter. This may be a standard promotion of the business, or may promote an upcoming sale etc. The promotion will be made at the same time across all platforms.
    Initial welcome promotion on all platforms
    Five additional promotions of the business at the time of the companies choosing on all platforms, including five full-page advertisement in the newsletter. This may be a standard promotion of the business, or may promote an upcoming sale etc. The promotion will be made at the same time across all platforms.


  • Minimum $1000 donation in the form of equipment or payment
  • Initial welcome promotion on all platforms, including the club newsletter
  • Larger logo on the bottom of each club newsletter – first rows of logo images
  • Logo on the back of that season’s club t-shirt
  • Six additional advertisements or promotions at the time of the companies choosing on all platforms, including advertisements in each of the newsletters. This may be a standard promotion of the business, or may promote an upcoming sale etc. The promotion will be made at the same time across all platforms.
  • 2 free tickets to the club’s annual presentation dinner

Please note:
Committee members will only promote club sponsors when equipment recommendations are asked for by members, however committee members are not required to provide comment on these requests, if they choose not to.
Club/group members will be able to promote equipment/companies of their choosing.

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